Where do I get a replacement Refrigeration System for my Vintage Drink Machine?
- We get them from Vintagecola.com. They have been making replacement cooling systems for 30 years. We use them in all our restorations and are always pleased. They are designed to be installed in most Vintage Vendo, VMC, Cavalier, and Westinghouse Machines and cooler chests.
- These are complete, new refrigeration cooling systems, designed to fit in a variety of vintage drink machines.
- Includes new (not refurbished) parts including coils, shrouds, fans, compressor, wiring, high-end thermostat, tubing, capillary tubing, etc. It comes on a metal base plate that can be bolted to your machine.
- Systems are prewired. Use a standard 110-volt plugin and are ready to run. They provide a “hot wire” for your accessories such as lights or electric coin mechs if your model requires it.
- Systems come charged with 134A Refrigerant and are ready to be installed.
- Their systems are not an exact reproduction of the original.
- They are designed to fit or “drop-in” as a replacement cooling system for your vintage drink machine.
- We can install it for you. Email us for a quote.